Circulation - Nitric Oxide - L-Arginine Information

Circulation - Nitric Oxide - L-Arginine

Nitric Oxide in Health and Disease

Nitric Oxide functions as a widespread signaling molecule throughout the body. Some of the roles or functions of NO include the following:

Vasodilation to decrease blood pressure and improve organ blood flow

  1. Prevent unwanted blood clotting and obstruction to blood flow in arteries
  2. Anti-inflammatory action in arteries to maintain a healthy arterial inner lining without cholesterol plaque buildup
  3. Promotes learning, memory and information recall in the brain
  4. Aids in the digestive process by promoting movement of digested foods and regulating secretion of digestive hormones and enzymes
  5. Regulates bladder function by allowing the bladder to expand and hold more urine
  6. Promotes erectile function and sexual arousal in men and women
  7. Protects the skin against ionizing radiation from the sun. In addition, NO functions as a signaling molecule in concert with many other molecules and hormones in the body to maintain normal bodily functions

 Many disorders and diseases are associated with a decline in NO production as we age. In some cases, it is known that the decrease in NO actually causes the disorder. More research in the future will likely show that lower NO levels cause many more disorders. A variety of lifestyle habits have a direct impact on NO levels and risk factors for disease.

Here are some examples of the association between lower NO levels and disease states:

Hypertension or high blood pressure

  1. Stroke
  2. Myocardial infarction or heart attack
  3. Dementia such as Alzheimer’s disease
  4. Irritable bowel and related disorders in the digestive tract
  5. Urinary incontinence especially in elderly women
  6. Erectile dysfunction including sexual arousal disorders in men and women

 Decreased NO production places an individual at increased risk for disease. For example, poor eating habits and nutrition can lead to overweight and obesity, all of which cause a long-term decline in NO production and an accompanying increased risk for type-2 diabetes, stroke and heart attack. It is believed that such a decrease in NO production can also cause increased risk for dementia, erectile dysfunction and other disorders.

 Physical activity or exercise can promote both acute and chronic increases in NO production. Here’s how. As your heart pumps more blood through the arteries during exercise, the increased force of blood flow triggers the endothelial cells at the inner layer of arteries to produce more NO. The reason for this is that NO is a vasodilator and will greatly improve local blood flow to the exercising muscles, thereby delivering more oxygen and nutrients from the blood into the muscle cells. NO goes up every time you exercise to the level where your heart rate goes up by at least 10 or 20 beats/minute. You don’t have to run a marathon or bicycle uphill for hours to increase your NO production. Walking briskly, jogging slowly, climbing stairs, playing tennis, swimming will do the trick. This NO, which the body uses to improve exercise performance, is the same NO that provides profound health benefits over time. Therefore, the key is to exercise repetitively, that is, several times each week for a lifetime. This chronic increase in NO production is precisely the reason why “exercise is good for your health”.


  • Nitric oxide opens pathways through vasodilation, improving your circulation and transporting nutrient-rich blood throughout your body.
  • The combination of L-arginine and L-Citrulline in the body lowers blood pressure and decreases hypertension. 
  • Increased blood flow leads to improved strength and endurance. Providing you with the energy needed to take on the day.
  • Starting the day with CIRCULATION is a simple way to implement preventatives cardiovascular care into your daily life.


  • The medical community has long been aware that individuals experiencing cardiovascular issues, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, poor circulation, peripheral neuropathy, and reduced libido, are likely deficient in Nitric Oxide, a crucial life-saving molecule. Research has shown that by supplementing with appropriate doses of L-arginine and L-citrulline amino acids, one can effectively reverse this Nitric Oxide deficiency and minimize the risk of heart disease complications, including stroke and heart attack. CIRCULATION has simplified the process of obtaining this Miracle Molecule, making it painless, easy, and affordable. Nitric oxide is a potent neurotransmitter that helps to relax blood vessels and improve circulation.
  • Nitric Oxide plays a critical role in regulating blood flow throughout the body, particularly in relation to the dilation of blood vessels. When Nitric Oxide is released in the body, it acts as a vasodilator, which relaxes the smooth muscles in the walls of blood vessels, allowing them to expand and increasing blood flow. This increased blood flow can have a range of benefits for the body, including improved strength and endurance. By delivering more oxygen and nutrients to the muscles, Nitric Oxide can improve their efficiency and performance, allowing you to push yourself further and achieve more during physical activity.




Nitric Oxide: Biology and Pathobiology. 2nd Edition. Louis J. Ignarro, Editor. Elsevier, Inc., Copyright 2010. 26 Chapters; 845 pages.Napoli C, Williams-Ignarro S, De Nigris F, Lerman LO, Rossi L, Guarino C, Mansueto G, Di Tuoro F, Pignalosa O, De Rosa G, Sica V, Ignarro LJ. Long-term combined beneficial effects of physical training and metabolic treatment on atherosclerosis in hypercholesterolemic mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 Jun 8;101(23):8797-802.

Napoli C, Stanley WC, Ignarro LJ. Nutrition and cardiovascular disease: putting a pathogenic framework into focus. Cardiovasc Res. 2007 Jan 15;73(2):253-6.

Napoli C, Ignarro LJ. Nitric oxide and pathogenic mechanisms involved in the development of vascular diseases. Arch Pharm Res. 2009 Aug;32(8):1103-8.

Puga GM, de P Novais I, Katsanos CS, Zanesco A. Combined effects of aerobic exercise and l-arginine ingestion on blood pressure in normotensive postmenopausal women: A crossover study. Life Sci. 2016 Mar 10. pii: S0024-3205(16)30141-2.

Suzuki T, Morita M, Kobayashi Y, Kamimura A. Oral L-citrulline supplementation enhances cycling time trial performance in healthy trained men: Double-blind randomized placebo-controlled 2-way crossover study. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2016 Feb 19;13:6.

Ranjbar K, Nazem F, Nazari A, Gholami M, Nezami AR, Ardakanizade M, Sohrabi M, Ahmadvand H, Mottaghi M, Azizi Y. Synergistic effects of nitric oxide and exercise on revascularisation in the infarcted ventricle in a murine model of myocardial infarction. EXCLI J. 2015 Oct 14;14:1104-15.

Glenn JM, Gray M, Wethington LN, Stone MS, Stewart RW Jr, Moyen NE. Acute citrulline malate supplementation improves upper- and lower-body submaximal weightlifting exercise performance in resistance-trained females. Eur J Nutr. 2015 Dec 11.

Lira VA. Exercise-induced cardioprotection: more to k‘NO’w. Cardiology. 2015;130(3):172-4.

Hannibal L. Nitric Oxide Homeostasis in Neurodegenerative Diseases. Curr Alzheimer Res. 2016;13(2):135-49.

Kodela R, Chattopadhyay M, Velázquez-Martínez CA, Kashfi K. NOSH-aspirin (NBS-1120), a novel nitric oxide- and hydrogen sulfide-releasing hybrid has enhanced chemo-preventive properties compared to aspirin, is gastrointestinal safe with all the classic therapeutic indications. Biochem Pharmacol. 2015 Dec 15;98(4):564-72.

Fernandes VS, Hernández M. The role of nitric oxide and hydrogen sulfide in urinary tract function. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. 2016 Feb 11.


Circulation Cardio Support is based on the Nobel Prize winning research of Dr. Louis Ignarro. This product contains the most beneficial blend of L- Arginine and L- Citrulline to enhance the effects of Nitric Oxide, above that of the body’s natural production. The ingredients were chosen for their ability to support the body’s production of Nitric Oxide and be an important part of your daily cardiovascular maintenance program. *    


 * These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA


Distributed By: Riverstone Group * 208-757-9696 *